Day 21: To Believe That We Can Do It

“I believe it was 2002 and I had just won the 47 mile race.”  About this same time Sri Chinmoy was hoping to expand the field for the 3100 mile race.  “I felt something inner.  It was an a-hah moment.  So I applied.”  Shift the calendar to the following year and there was no response.  “I didn’t get any approval.”

At this point Stutisheel says, “I totally forgot about the race.”  The following year however he received out of the blue an invitation to come and run in the 2004 race.  “For me that was a WOW moment.”

“I was thrilled because I immediately felt that this was my ancient dream.”  He immediately accepted the offer but confesses he knew very little of how to prepare himself for such a difficult undertaking.

Photo Sri Chinmoy Ultra Photo

In researching for what to do Stutisheel says the wisest advice he received was from Arpan suggesting that he not over train.

He says the first couple of years were the most difficult to adjust to all the demands of the race.  He feels that by the time he had done the race 4 times he experienced real running and flight.”The first 2 years were quite a shock to my body.”

Sri Chinmoy Ultra Photo

In 2004 his first race he had many tough days.  But despite the difficulties he had a vision of himself crossing the finish line with his arms spread wide.”So from that I knew that I would finish. I just didn’t know when.”

Right from the beginning Sri Chinmoy was often present at the race.  Whether it was giving prasad, or playing music, or even exercising. “It was amazing in so many ways.  It was all for us.  To believe that we can do it.”

The board at the start of Day 21



Wei Ming


Annugata and Rupantar



Wei Ming


Start Day 21

Andrea did 72 miles

He now has 1412 miles

He leads Wei Ming by 129 miles


Delivering the daily aphorism

Wei Ming did 63 miles

He now has 1283 miles

A fan

photo by Garima

Renny who came to help translate

A powerful performance


Mahatapa counting

Harita did 62 miles

She now has 1252 miles

With Suchitra

Shoes off for morning break



Vasu did 60 miles

He now has 1227 miles

Coming off morning break



Takasumi did 59 miles

He now has 1196 miles


Ananda-Lahari did 67 miles

He now has 1151 miles

Vinaya with harmonica and dog


“Let me know when it is over or that it is snack time.  Whichever comes first”

Believe in your impossible dreams,
You are bound to succeed.

2 thoughts on “Day 21: To Believe That We Can Do It”

  1. Thank you Utpal for your ultramarathon coverage and window into this magnificent race that otherwise we would not be able to be a part of. To witness, hear the warriors stories and experiences, to see glimpses of their heroic journey, to see the selfless servers assisting and supporting, we offer our gratitude. Carry on, brave and inspired soldiers of all that is good and transcendent.

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