“When God touches the earth anything is possible. To be sincere, I didn’t expect.” A week ago Andrea’s mileage had dipped below 70 miles a day when at the race in Salzburg he had regularly maintained an average of more than 70. But now for the past 6 days he is not only keeping comfortably above 7o he is also fractionally ahead of his pace from last year.
Andrea isn’t certain the reason for his slower days, possibly heat and humidity he thinks. “But now the weather is better for me. A little chilly I like it much more.”
“I can run in any weather conditions.” Yesterday it rained heavily in the evening but he had run well earlier and so was able to run 71 miles. “The rain slows you down definitely.”

Andrea is really surprised that his time for 1000 miles was 10 minutes faster than last year. “It comes from God, it doesn’t come from me. I try hard to do my best, but the result comes from God.”

He is getting encouragement from many places and from many people. “I am really happy when people are interested in what I am doing. Somehow I am happy because I try to run holding in my mind the spiritual dimensions of the race. It is not just about miles or performing.”
“This I also like but there is a deeper meaning. If people appreciate I am really happy.”
The board at the start of Day 20
Wei Ming
Wei Ming
Start Day 20
Wei Ming did 64 miles
He now has 1219 miles
Getting a treat
Having fun
Rupantar and Medur
Harita did 62 miles
She now has 1190 miles
A foot break
Vasu did 67 miles
He now has 1167 miles
Takasumi did 60 miles
He now has 1137 miles
Nina and Antana
Stutisheel did 52 miles
He now has 1132 miles
Super Mario
Ananda-Lahari did 47 miles
He now has 1084 miles
From the soul-bird within
Broke the deep slumber
Of his earth-bound life.
Utpal, thank you for the beautiful poem!
So many pearls of wisdom, beautiful video and photos — but what made me really happy? Hearing Andrea speak of his supporters in Italy — especially of Shadri who spent so many summers helping the runners and the race. I have fond memories of her bright smiles and constant hard work and concern for everyone. Hi Shadri! Greetings from NY!
PS: I see from Jowan’s photos (https://www.srichinmoyultraphoto.com/3100-mile-race/2021/Day-Twenty/) that Wei Ming’s footwear is being adopted by a few others. Love his socks, too