As someone who is prone to grumbling and forecasting that the sky is falling; a slow or fast lap around the course with Ananda-Lahari is one of the best antidotes I know to clinging negativity. He is literally always positive. Even today when he is almost 1,000 miles shy of the goal and only 12 days left to do it, he is happy.
He is so content in doing this impossible ordeal, that he is now running for the 17th time that I feel ashamed to complain about any of the real or imagined problems that seem to wash over me when I least expect it.

It is impossible to be glum when he and you are striding along and the smile he is wearing is so dazzling you can feel so unprepared for the cascade of cheerfulness that simply washes over you when in his presence.

I can’t complain when I run with Ananda-Lahari. I simply am required to retreat to my own heart which is a place that he seems to have taken up residence for an enormous portion of his day, and which I am told we all should do a lot more of.

I just have to smile when we are together. Sometimes not so great a smile which may more resemble an abbreviated frown under closer inspection but a smile nonetheless.
The board at the start of day 40
Vasu requests a massage
Vajra obliges
Andrea checks the numbers
Nina and Rupantar
Start Day 40
Andrea ran 74 miles
He now has 2801 miles
A tremendous effort
Olga counting
Wei Ming did 63 miles
He now has 2488 miles
Completing 4000 km last night
Doing so well
Molly and Renrick from the park
The boys
Vasu did 62 miles
He now has 2441 miles
With Sasha
Harita did 60 miles
She now has 2385 miles
With Rotraud
Doing well
Nina and Olga
Flower counting
Takasumi did 60 miles
He now has 2330 miles
With Nina
Sahishnu the mailman
Stutisheel did 34 miles
He now has 2242 miles
Is infinitely stronger than
The outer possibilities.
Priceless photos, hearts and souls peering from the screen! Utpal, your keen interest in, and love for people bring us these amazing moments.
Hi to all of you, runners and helpers
It is so nice and inspiring to see you all doing your best, every day, and making this amazing race possible, every day, every minute.
You realize the dream of our Master and our inspiring guide, Sri Chinmoy.
I wish i could be with you to encourage you in my humble way; in Ottawa and Canada, we are there with you and follow each step of your amazing journey!
In His Oneness, Utsahi