There are more than a few of us, those who are fans of Harita that is, who spent some portion the past few days worrying about her. The symptoms she had were the kind of spooky variety where you usually gently suggest that they should just go home and take the day off and get well.
The Self-transcendence race is however not the kind of place that the runners who come here ever simply meekly follow the breadcrumbs back home. Harita is not that kind of runner or that kind of woman.
There is a resilient toughness built into her along with a keen intellect, and I guess you better at this point add a healthy dose of poise and patience. Harita’s dad Phillip who just came today said that even as a little girl she was advanced beyond her years. As of last night she prodded and pushed a queasy body to 59 miles and seems to have found herself back in that final charge to the finish line.
“You never really know probably until the last mile. I am feeling much better for sure. I am still on track to finish within the 52 days. Which is great so I feel very blessed. I am feeling a lot better.”
During the rough spell she says she wasn’t too worried. “One part of me was. A huge part of the experience of this race is to just keep going forward. When challenges arise you face them and try to figure them out. Do your best and have faith, that everything will work out.”
“I was a bit sick but it wasn’t different than other challenges at the race.”
“Every day is so big. I really want to absorb everything at the end of the race. Right now I am having the experience of today. I definitely have had a lot of hard times, challenging times, and really beautiful times as well.”
Harita says that she is not one who has high revelatory experiences. I just feel so grateful for the opportunity to be able to serve God in his own way and really be at the forefront of my own capacity.”
“I think so often in our lives, that we fashion ourselves to be well within our comfort zone. It is only when you challenge those comfort zones that you find real fulfillment, but some times you can trick yourself into what a real challenge is. This race is definitely a real challenge. It brings out a lot of things in me that are challenging but also so extremely rewarding.”
“Some of the nicest moments are running at night, when it is really peaceful, and dark and quiet. You feel like it is just you and your breath. The sky and stars. It is so unusual and yet so profoundly normal feeling at the same time.”
The Board at the Start of Day 49
Camp early
Rupantar and no Ashprihanal
Ozod greets Ananda-Lahari
Vajra leaves
Harita arrives
Nirbhasa’s last morning
Anupam gives Swamiji a 3100 mile race shirt
Last morning
Start of Day 49
Ashprihanal decides to take part in another race across the street
A little over 14 minutes for 2 miles
Nirbhasa has 3064 miles
He ran 66 miles
36 miles to the finish line
Nirbhasa finishes today
Suhasini and Antana in 2 mile race
Vasu has 3018 miles
He ran 65
Scheduled to finish at noon tomorrow
Still exercising
Doing his best
Phillip and Mandra
Ananda-Lahari has 2966 miles
He ran 44 miles
Made 3000 today

Doing well
Photographer Ashprihanal
Smarana has 2912 miles
He ran 57
188 more miles
Harita has 2882 miles

She did 59 miles
Dog break
22 miles above the magic number
Shoes on
Todor has 2840 miles he needs to pick up 20 miles in the next 4 days
“We all are hoping for him.”
He did 65 miles
Looking strong again today
Ushika has 2543 miles
He did 54 miles
With Max
A picture of Ashprihanal that became popular
I see you
A few days ago Ashprihanal found a large feather and liked it so much he put it in his hat. Yesterday about the time he finished a red tailed hawk appeared on top of the flagpole in front of the school. When Harita saw Ashprihanal today she told him that the bird had come to watch his finish.
Just as she did so the hawk once again flew up onto the flagpole.
Poem of the Day held by Vesi
Is God’s microphone.
Sri Chinmoy
Aug. 3rd, 2006
Enthusiasm Awakeners
Our thoughts make us know
What we unmistakably are.
Our deeds make others know
What we undeniably are.
Everything is just sooo beautiful and exciting. I am so happy for all and everything in this golden race!!Jay Guru Supreme Victory.