Day 20… Go For It (July 6)

“Yesterday I had a flickering battery which finally went dead.”  I saw Smarana mid morning yesterday and he was not looking good.  He decided that the best thing he could do under the circumstances was to simply go home and take a real break from the course.  5 hours off and he says, “it was nice actually.”

“I did it to get my body back into balance.  It was very hot and humid the last few days.  I just didn’t feel right.  I didn’t want to take any chances.”   Smarana describes a scenario of when not doing the right thing events can quickly escalate and your situation can spiral out of control.  “It is better to take care of it in the first place.  Become strong again and then go out again.”

Smarana describes that when he came back to the course he had a new perspective on all the other runners determination and drive.  “Everyone has issues but it was still very inspiring.”

He says that because he was walking he could clearly see how the other runners use the force that he can see here and they, “Just go for it.”

“Everybody has their lows and their highs, but you also have to keep this tension to keep yourself going.  It was very inspiring for me.”

“If you get too tense then you just break at some point.  You have to have this push and be able to relax at the same time.  You have to find a balance.”

Smarana says that though it is not unique to this race, but because of the race’s extreme length you can have a better perspective of it.  “Since this race is so long.  You have to keep it up for a long time.  When you come out here in the morning you have 18 hours.  You have to keep a tension not to let go.”

He feels that he personally takes this kind of motivation into his normal life even after the race.  It makes him feel more dynamic and striving.  Small problems are negligible then.”

The board at the start of Day 20.  The magic number now stands at 1,132 miles for those on track to complete the race

The camp early

Light showers move in quickly but only briefly this morning

Paramartha setting up


Generator problems again

Empty tables

Smarana arrives looking better

William waiting

Vajra working on Kobi

Kaneenika arrives

A kind word

Surasa arrives

The Enthusiasm Awakeners have sponsored today’s race in honor of William’s wife Elisabeth who passed a year ago today

Start of Day 20

Rain will come soon

Vasu did 66 miles

He now has 1337 miles

He is running well


Kobi ran 63 miles

He now has 1316.  Which is more than 200 miles over the magic number

With his helper Cris


Smarana still managed 38 miles yesterday

He has 1155 miles

Performing a joke with Daulot


Surasa did 56 miles

She now has 1151 miles

Doing well


Sopan did 62 miles

He now has 1145 miles

Over the magic number

Green leaves

Ushika did 60 miles

Having fun with Daulot

He has 1133 miles.  One mile over the magic number

Working on shoes

With Max


Ananda-Lahari did 59 miles

He now has 1127 miles

Mario performing a little magic


Yolanda did 59 miles

She has 1119 miles.  With Laila

Keeping the feet on the road

On day 20


William did 58 miles

Parvati discussing his wishes for the day

He has 1100 miles and needs to make up 32

Green leaves


Kaneenika did 49 miles

She has 1100 miles

Working on her feet

Amazing runner


Nirjharini and treats

Kamaneeya is here counting

“These are great seats I wonder why they all aren’t filled.”

A new visitor

Today there was a special offering on behalf of William’s late wife Elisabeth

Each runner could take a toy sheep or bunny

Kobi got a sheep

Stota’s birthday was celebrated

Enthusiasm Awakeners

Click to Play:


Do not think
That you cannot do it.
Just think that God
Is definitely going to do it
In you, for you.

One thought on “Day 20… Go For It (July 6)”

  1. A song of Sri Chinmoy’s goes:
    “No pushing, no pulling. Only loving and self-giving.”

    A great mantra for runners and helpers alike.
    A goal –whether it is the one we expected or a different one– WILL be achieved.

    Thanks Utpal!

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