“Today I feel so much better about being here. I own this course.”
“In the last few days I let a lot of things and excuses get in the way of my performance. Something clicked last night. I was still behind the pace but I wanted to make it to 1,000 miles. I had 3 and 1/2 hours to do it. I gave it my all.”
“You have to dig deep into your soul and give it everything. Once you do that things will turn around for you. That is what happened to me over the last part of the day. ”
Up until that moment Yolanda confesses that she let the heat and her soar feet act as excuses not to push harder. “I gave myself so many excuses about how not to perform to my best.”
“You have to stay strong and you have to stay positive. You have to feed yourself nothing but positive affirmations to keep yourself going.”
“I have blisters on both of my feet. What I have done is learn to embrace the pain. The pain is a part of you but it does not define you. Once you recognize that the pain is there then you can come together as one. Your pain and yourself.”
Yolanda describes how she has given an actual name to this pain that is constantly nagging at her. “Every morning she gives me a hard time. So what I do is to acknowledge her and then I turn her over to Jesus.” She says that once she turns the pain over to a higher power she is able to really embrace her pain.
“So if you take your pain and yourself and come together as one. You will get through the pain.”
The board at the start of Day 18
The quiet hours of July 4th
Yolanda arrives
William with a yogurt, apple sauce, and water
Some have yet to come
Yolanda has already done her head stand
Vajra works on Kobi
Surasa arrives
Nearly time
The girls
Aharan filling the sponge buckets
Start Day 18
It is a beautiful but humid morning
Vasu ran 66 miles
He now has 1202 miles
Kobi ran 62 miles
He now has 1191 miles
He is just 11 miles behind Vasu
His helper today is Liron
Amir came by to visit
Smarana did 50 miles
He now has 1054 miles
Coming through camp
Surasa did 56 miles
She now has 1034 miles. Pouring a melted ice pack on her arms to cool off.
Sopan did 60 miles
He now has 1022 miles
Receiving email from Sahishnu
Ushika did 54 miles
He now has 1012 miles
Max and Ushika
Flag socks
With helper Max
Yolanda did 53 miles
She was the last one yesterday to join the 1000 mile club
With Laila having a hot dog moment
Who can say no?
Kaneenika did 52 miles
She started the day with 994 miles
A group of girls cheered when she passed 1000 this morning
With helper Lotika
Ananda-Lahari did 45 miles
He started the day with 992
He passed 1000 miles as well
William ran 60 miles. He is one of the only 4 to do 60 or better
He started the day with 983 miles
William tells a joke. “The best kind of letter to get during hot weather is fan mail.”
Green leaves
Upasana celebrating the day
“Your kidding it is actually the 4th of July. I thought it was still only June.”
Charita reads the daily poem
Click to Play:
Enthusiasm Awakeners have special treats in honor of July 4th
Enthusiasm Awakeners
Click to Play:
O dreamers of peace, come.
Let us walk together.
O lovers of peace, come,
Let us run together.
O servers of peace, come.
Let us grow together.
Thank you for the squirrel, aforisms, words of runners, thank you!
P.S. Gee,these hot dogs and cakes look so tasty! Happy America`s day))