They assemble on the starting line one last time. Now there are but 3 champions left on this hard but sacred ground. They have covered many thousands of miles these past 53 days. Yet they remain in the exact same spot as where they began. An irony most certainly not lost on those who seek out and crave outer adventure. For a spiritual athlete however the quest is not for victory without, but to try and achieve a self transcendence victory within. Something intangible to most, but no less real than a gleaming trophy sitting in a case.
The journey is not about the number of signposts that you have passed along the way, or who you have left behind. It is more that you have been attentive to your own inner voice and just how many you have inspired and gathered up with your heart’s oneness. In so many areas of life we judge and measure and attempt to balance all the conflicting and self important bits of who we are and who we think we are.
Here the playing field is flattest for those runners who can somehow manage to toss away the nagging conflicts that erupt between a lethargic body, a restless vital, and a mind tainted by doubt and fear. It never becomes effortless and yet the greatest burden a runner here has to bear are those stubborn bits dredged up from the shadowed places we all have within.