“It was a dream of our family to be here helping him.” Sarvagata’s sister is beaming with enthusiasm as she runs beside her brother on this the 9th day of the race. The sun is low and golden in the sky and the air is still and clear. It just may be as beautiful a morning as the race will see all summer. The irony of all this is that in fact Sarvadhara (Sarvagata’s sister) is currently committed to leave later in the day for Chicago. She flew in from the Ukraine just last night and came immediately here, only to arrive by fate, just as her brother was going home for the night.
So on this most exquisite morning she is getting the briefest opportunity to share with her brother the 3100 mile race experience. Absorb somehow, in the few fleeting hours she has left, the vast and limitless world her brother and 9 others now inhabit.
This is for her an incredibly special moment because in fact, Sarvadhara has never ever even seen her brother running in a multi day race before. She, like most people have only seen the race via the internet. Tried to make some sense of something, that on a computer must be incredibly difficult to even begin to follow or even comprehend.
For most people, the moment you have taken even a few steps here on this loop, then you may actually begin to see and feel the world the runners are completely immersed in. For a moment at least it is possible, to more deeply appreciate the reality the runners inhabit every second of their day. Every hard slab of concrete here has after all, felt millions of footsteps pass by for the past 15 years.
Things have happened ever so quickly for the Ukrainskyi family. Even Sarvagata himself did not know for sure that he would come and now neither his sister or his wife will be able to help. Sarvhara says, “I am not a little sorry I won’t be here, I am a lot sorry.” With the few hours she has left she says, “Now I am trying to come into this.”
She has followed his experiences previously in the 10 day race via the internet. “You know it is like a miracle. When I look at this from the internet I don’t believe in this. 3100 miles in 52 days is just impossible. When I look and don’t think, I just feel proud of humanity, and gratitude to the Supreme that this is possible for human beings to do this.”
When she arrived last night she had been traveling non stop for more than 24 hours from the Ukraine. “I was so happy to see him, and all of this, that all my tiredness just flew away.
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