Vlady awoke this morning to the sound of falling rain. Today is his 38th birthday and there are many who might be be disappointed to spend their birthday splashing around all day outdoors. He has however not a harsh word for the weather. Instead he calls it compassion rain. His focus is only on what he has to do today, and for those now rapidly decreasing number of days left in front of him, in order to complete 3100miles. He tells me that 2 years ago he was also running on his birthday at a 24 hour race. He starts this special day with a little more than 700 miles left to go.
There is really no place else he would rather be. Of his experience being here he says, “I am really proud of it.” His fellow runners are also proud of him. Not just because of his superb performance here but as well because he has seemed to embrace the 3100 mile race experience with every fiber of his being and with all the glowing devotion of his heart.
Heaven’s birthday I observe on earth,
Inside my silence-soul.
Earth’s birthday I observe in Heaven,
Inside my vision-goal.
Heaven is one year younger than my beauty;
Earth is one year younger than my duty.
Excerpt from Europe-Blossoms by Sri Chinmoy.
The heaviest rain descended upon the city before the dark skies held even a hint of a glowing sun. Now there is a meager brightness but the descending wet is not quite heavy rain and not quite a sprinkle. In other words do you carry an umbrella or not. Pushkar starts the day with 431 more miles than he had last year.
A rainy day has a dramatic way of changing the outer appearance of those who run here. Things on the inside probably change very little, if at all.
Ivana and Tirtha are heading back to Germany today. Their help, their smiles, and their music will be missed.
Grahak tied with Asprihanal with a little over 71 miles yesterday. Yesterday’s birthday boy had just under 70 and seems to still have a birthday glow about him.
Stutisheel is certainly allowed to look a little auspiciously satisfied today. Yesterday he ran 69 miles the most since his first day here. Diganta of course has captured the unofficial rainy wear fashion prize.
On day 48 last year Pushkar left the 3100 mile race. Three runners had already completed the distance and he was more than 800 miles away from the finish line. On that day he said, “I feel inwardly I did my best. I did everything I knew. I am happy. I will come back. I have to.”
The new Pushkar seems to nearly have fulfilled all the dreams and hopes that stubbornly and defiantly eluded him last year. He has learned a mighty lesson from last year and it shows in his legs and his heart. I ask him whether or not it was a big thing to pass the 2289 mark on Sunday. He says, “The big thing is the 3100.” He also says that he passed the 2289 mileage mark by doing it in 12 days less than he did last year. “This is quite some self transcendence.”
He tells me that yesterday for him was, “quite striking.” He heard a girl reciting one of Sri Chinmoy’s poems along the course and he says, “It strengthened my focus for the 3100. Afterwards I got some physical problems, and somehow this poem gave me so much power I blew the problem away.”
I ask him how he can really take in such fleeting fragments of poetry and music as he moves around the course. He tells me, “somehow I am very open for that kind of thing and I appreciate it very much.”
The following is the poem he heard that inspired him so much.
My Lord, do tell me,
What is the thing that I need most?
“My child, determination,
Determination, determination!”
Excerpt from Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 17 by Sri Chinmoy.
Vlady like Petr has received a new shirt from his fellow runners. There will be one more small surprise as he rounds Thomas Edison High school. Parvati and her group will sing Happy Birthday. He will stand quietly for a moment as they sing for him. His heart which was already full received just a little more.
Determination within,
Determination without
At every moment!
Lo, unimaginable achievements
Are within your easy reach.
Excerpt from Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 76 by Sri Chinmoy.
Very nicely done, Utpal, I like the mixture of pix, poems and narrative. These good folk are seriously courageous!!