June 30: Extend Your Limits

“There are 2 constructions going on at the same time.  It is only for the strong.”


Stutisheel, and all the other runners are going to have endure an extraordinary amount of distraction for the next 2 days.  Construction on the school, with its unique hazards of scaffolding and trucks, was an anticipated feature of this years race.  This morning the other shoe dropped.  Large equipment rolled up the street just after dawn and work men starting tearing up the asphalt.  There will be not even one quiet, dust, or odor free place on the course for the next 2 days.

For a veteran like Stutisheel I am curious if it bothers him, all the commotion.  “It is still shocking, no matter how many times you have did it before.  Of course you can say it extends your limits of everything.  Of accepting, of transcending, of patience, of everything.”

“From the outer point of view it is what it is.  I feel though that we (the runners) have enough power to dive deep within, and not be distracted so much.  This is the case when you are really in the heart.  When you are in your own inner world.  Than it is not a distraction.”


“I love to say, the divine earthly and divine always go together.  You cannot escape anything.”

“I believe we have enough inner power, enough inner strength to come through all our difficulties.”

When asked if everything is going as usual for him.  “There is no usual race.  Every race is unique.  Maybe your previous experiences can help you a little bit.  To avoid some bold mistakes.  Otherwise you cannot predict what will happen.  You just need to be receptive and never give up.  All the usual things that save your life.”

“There are things that do not change from race to race.  For example the full moon, and I am already walking.”  Stutisheel seems to be adversely effected by the moon.  Yesterday he managed 60 miles and finished the day with 1010, but he has been walking much of today. He laughs, “nothing new in this. I believe there is a special experience behind this.  Outwardly I have difficulties when the full moon comes.  I don’t feel that I am fighting with it or having negativity.  But otherwise I admire the beauty of the full moon.  It is something I don’t know, but am just trying to go through.”


I mention how much he seems to be enjoying the companionship of Galya on the course.  “I have been waiting for this for 5 years.” On some mornings if they are running together they have been telling jokes to the Enthusiasm Awakeners singing group.

Galya: “heh Stutisheel, I suppose sometimes that you think that I am a perfect idiot.”

Stutisheel: “O no, no.   Nobody is perfect.”

“Always something new.”

Click to Play Interview:


The motor homes are parked in the little park area beside the toilets.


Surasa taking a drink


Time is close.


Start Day 17


It will be very good weather again today.


This evening there could be showers briefly.


Ashprihanal just continues to amaze


He ran 75 miles yesterday.  He left the course with 1234 miles beside his name.


The sun so powerful when seen from here.



Atmavir had 70 miles and now has 1173 miles.


Making the turn


Different directions.


The boys having fun.


Galya again had 71 miles yesterday.  He has 1168 miles.


Into the sun


Yuri had 69 miles yesterday.


Yuri has 1110 miles.


The trees withstand.


Vasu had 71 miles. He has 1092 miles


The asphalt will soon be gone.


Nirbhasa had 58 miles yesterday.  Late last night he passed 1000 miles and finished the day with 1007 miles.


Some visiting flowers


Surasa had 62 miles and now has 971 miles.  She is 2 miles ahead of Kaneenika


The roadwork looks like this.


“When are they going to fix my road. I have called 311 I don’t know how many times.”


Kaneenika had a great day of 63 miles.


She finished the day with 969 miles.


Ananda-Lahari had 58 miles yesterday.


He had 893 miles yesterday.


Baladev also ran 58 miles yesterday.  He has 881 miles.


Happiness to be found.


“On day 14 my 3100 mile campaign ended for 2015.  Which is pretty sad and devastating.  It is pretty hard not get a bit down.  It is the first time that I have ever pulled out of a race of any sort.  Obviously this is a pretty big one to do it.  It was pretty tough but I am feeling a bit better with myself and the world.”


Grahak has been coming to the race regularly since then but this morning was my first chance to talk with him about his experience.

He has been coming around he says in particular to help Ashprihanal.  Who in his quest for the race record will need all the support he can get.  Grahak says, “it gives me a bit of joy.”

I ask him specifically what pulled the plug for him on this race.  “I had a very interrupted preparation coming in.  I had some injuries that I thought I had managed to get on top of.  I thought.  Than they really came back and I thought I would be doing some serious damage if I continued.”

“I have got a bad hip.  I shouldn’t have had x rays because it just plays on your mind.  That is what was happening.  I was thinking about it all the time.  A lot of mental energy was wasted on it.”


“I could still run my 100km a day, or I was, I don’t know how much longer that would have gone on for.  It was really painful in the mornings.  Than it would warm up.  Than I could get going but in the evenings it was quite painful as well.”

I remark that he had pushed himself to 886 miles.  “I really would have liked to have gone further.”

“I really wanted to try. To start and try and see if I could finish.”

Click to Play Interview:


Poem of the day recited by Vandya


Click to Play:

poem Vandya

Enthusiasm Awakeners

parvatiClick to Play:


My Lord,
Your Arms are for extension,
To extend toward me.
My arms are for perfection,
To fight for perfection
In my outer life.


2 thoughts on “June 30: Extend Your Limits”

  1. Happy to see my friend, Vandya, reciting the daily poem.

    To win life’s ultimate race,
    What we need
    Is only endurance and patience.

    Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 243, Agni Press, 1998

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