July 24: Beginning Of A Beautiful Life.

“Think of how beautiful it is that we have come to this moment.  Our previous lives and this life have brought us to this divine space, that we are taking up. This is very unusual.  It can be compared to a mini avatar.  These runners and everyone are stabilizing the negative and the positive here right now.  Righteousness is being lifted and unrighteousness is being suppressed.”

“The neighborhood cannot but succumb to the divine energy that is radiating from this.  We have come to this point and we have to move forward.”


Day 40 had just begun and Swamiji and I our were out walking on the course.  Like so many people, his life has intertwined with that of the race in its own unique way over the years.  He mentioned the word sustainability and it intrigued me.

For over the past few days I have become increasingly aware that day 52 is now no longer a distant almost inconceivable destination, but instead is literally right around the corner.  For some of the faster runners of course the finish line will be a few days closer, but not too long after that the board comes down for another year, no matter how many numbers are beside your name.

Maybe the experience I have here is similar to that of a flower that blooms each new season.  Bringing forth its beauty for just the period of time allotted to it.  But at the same time I am feeling a little greedy that the rest of the year cannot have this same intensity and dynamism.


“We shouldn’t think about the past.  Because the past is what brought us here good or bad.  So we have to say that this is the beginning of the rest of our lives.  Treasure it, be conscious about it, revere it and move on.  When negative thoughts come, we have to say, you don’t have a place here.”

“You have to be conscious about it.  You can’t go back in the past lives.  It is God’s grace to make the transition from the past to the present and then to the future.”


“This is wisdom  and this wisdom we always have to keep in mind.  There will be moments when weakness will come in.  But we can fall back on the experience of the runners running here.  You can say no, I am not going to succumb to that weakness.  I am going to have the image of the Guru constantly in my mind.  The Guru is the manifestation of that perfection and that consciousness.”

“We should never say it was a good race. It is the beginning of a beautiful life.”

Click to Play Interview:


In February of 2007 a series of races were held over a few days at at a track in Chaing Mai Thailand.  Each day there was a race Sri Chinmoy himself would as well go out on the track and attempt to run 400 meters.  It did not matter that he did not feel well, or that he was in pain.  Regardless of his condition he went out around that track and ran just as fast he could.  Each day that he raced, the time was taken, and he would try and improve upon it.  That was just who he was.

As I took this footage I did not know that this was probably the very last time he would run on a track.  By the 11th of  October of that year he had left us.  The poem you hear with this video was recorded on his last night on earth.

Only a student can learn

If I remain a student of peace

I willl be the happiest and the proudest person

Only a student can learn. 

So I am a student of peace.  If you people call me a student of peace I will be extremely, extremely, grateful to them. 

Peace is a subject that is inexhaustible.

There is no limit. so if I can be a student Peace, I shall be able to learn, I shall be able to learn. 

And I shall be able to enter into each heart and see how most sincere cry each individual has in his heart.

Peace is not a dictionary word.

Peace is the heart breath of God. 

God will never be satisfied unless and until his heart breath

he can share, with his entire creation……..Sri Chinmoy October 11th 2007

Sarvagata once again found his 70 mile legs yesterday.  And what should not come as any surprise Sarah had the second most most laps with 121


William arrives with more and more confidence.  Now well above the line he did 114 laps yesterday.


The girls getting ready for what should be a very good weather day once again.


Rupantar records his daily video.


Karabi goes through the counting book and tells me that she only has 6 counting shifts left.


Start of Day 40


It is a surprising moment.  Ananda-Lahari was a few seconds late for the start this morning.  When he came to the line the runners had all gone.  So he took his own moment of silence and then started to run.

But instead of the measured walking that he has done now for several weeks, he really really runs.


He describes that what is happening to him is not unlike any other day he has had.  He is experiencing it in the same way, “except faster.”

He says he had been thinking of doing this for a few days now.  “I thought I would like to run but my legs didn’t show it.  There was no sign.”


I speak to him around mid morning and by now he had been running fast for quite a while.  “It has just been a few hours.  Let us see what will happen.  I am doing the same thing.  Just the speed has changed.”

He describes that for him it is just a matter of shifting gears.  Like he has moved from 1st gear into 3rd.


Then he adds, “I have a goal but it is secret.”  (laughs)

“It is hard to say.  Everybody is doing their best.  What comes out I don’t really know.”

Previously he was only able to walk and there wasn’t even a hint that that he even had the speed he is running at now.


“I have been walking for almost 40 days.  And running now only for a few hours.  It is still hard to compare. ”

Click to Play Interview:



It will be a beautiful day.


The day brightens


Sopan enjoying a Ray of a different kind.


He has 1817 miles so far.


Ray tells me he has a sinus cold today and because of it he has a bad head ache.  He says hew woke up and thought,  I am in no shape to do a 50km today and then he realized that in fact that is probably what he was going to do.

He talked to the speed radar trap next to the course and found out that they will send you a ticket in the mail if you go 41 miles an hour or over.


Then he sings a song.

Click to Play:



Ananda-Lahari does not slow at all while I am there.



I do a lap with Teekshanam this morning.


He is now moving well and completed 113 laps yesterday.  I was mistaken earlier in saying that he could not continue.  He simply had to solve some problems and is back on the road but does have shinsplints, and is doing fine.


Baladev did 102 laps yesterday and has 2256 miles.


He has spent quite a few days with a familiar runner on this course, Atmavir.


Traffic never stops.


This is a pose I just learned at my Yoga studio.  Strangely it is called the downward dog.


Larisa and friends performing.


Click to Play:



Will the little bits of green miss these footsteps when they go.


Nidhruvi had another day of 109 laps.  That might be enough but I am not sure.


She gets a visit out on the course from Tajini.



Vishvarupani is such a good helper


I learned this pose at MY yoga studio, but we like to call it the downward squirrel.



Alan multi tasking as William approaches.


William had 114 laps yesterday and has 671 miles more to do 13 days.


After coming out of his first 15 minute break he gives a daily greeting to Nilima’s dog.


Jayasalini had 108 laps yesterday.


She has 2359 miles this morning.


so much is going so perfectly well for Jayasalini


Her helper Pati, along with some other girls made this large chalk design on the sidewalk this morning.  There is one star for each runner and she stands on the one she drew for Jayasalini.


The clover grows so well


Sarah had her 121 lap day and starts the day with 2418 miles.


Legs have come so far but the journey still not over.



Stutisheel had 118 laps yesterday.  A good day.


He has 2473 miles.


There are visitors in the camp


His daughter Alakananda speaks with Mom.


There was rain last night and you can see evidence this morning.



O no.  This is not a new yoga pose.  But you can call it the tired dog if you like.


This has to be the biggest bag lunch I have ever seen.


Jagadata sings and counts.

jagadataClick to Play:



Vasu had 116 laps yesterday.


He has 2519 miles so far.  Which is just 10 miles behind last years pace.


It will be interesting to see what happens in the days ahead.


He passed 4,000 km yesterday and says that means just 1000 more.


He says it should take him 9 or 10 days.  It depends on how things go.

“Slowly and steadily the race is getting to its final part.”


The day before he overslept and lost a couple of laps.  “Usually that kind of thing doesn’t happen but maybe I was just too tired.  I set up the alarm clock but somehow I switched it off.  I slept and extra 10 minutes.” He did 115 laps.

Yesterday t he got 118.


He talks about how sometimes runners get shinsplints.  “They can destroy your race.  You have to be lucky here.”

“I have had 40 days of just 3 or 4 hours sleep.  Your body can just say no more.”


Yuri did 117 laps yesterday.


He has such fun when he is with Volodymyr


Everybody trying to keep moving in the best way they can.


He may not be exactly 100% but he has more than enough to get the job done.


His finish line now has a name and it may be Monday.


He has 382 more miles.


He is after all 253 miles ahead of last year this time.


Prayer of the Day read by Tarak


Click to Play:

tarak prayer

Enthusiasm Awakeners


Song of the day


Click to Play:



Is evolving Beauty.

Is revealing Beauty.

Is illumining Beauty.

Is manifesting Beauty.

Is fulfilling Beauty.

Sri Chinmoy, The Wings Of Light, Part 19, Agni Press, 1974


4 thoughts on “July 24: Beginning Of A Beautiful Life.”

  1. Hi Utpal
    thank you,
    mainly for the precious 11th October prayer.

    My Master’s life
    I adore.

    Sri Chinmoy,38010 Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 39, Agni Press, 2004

  2. Hi Utpal,
    since we are doing every Wednesday a small slideshow with ifos about the runners and including all the very interesting side stories you share with us, I get lots of enthusiastic feedback. Our people really appreciate it to become part of the race in this way and to feel Gurus presence while doing so. In the name of the whole Vienna Centre I want to thank you :):):)

  3. plus you didn’t take a vacation as in the past years, we have this marvelous entries daily, thank you Utpal!

  4. Thank you so much Utpal for this awe-inspiring, spirit-lifting documentary! :0)

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