Start of the 2nd 12 hour race at 8pm
Arpan DeAngelo
Barbara Graf
Bob Oberkher and Emmy Stoker
Cam Chamberlain
Daniel Wiszniewski
Dietmar Stork
Dylan Maher
Emmy Stocker and Kathryn Stoker
Eric Friedland and Peter Shiue
Francisco Balagtas
Grzegorz Klepadio
James Gawie
Jason Silva
Jeffry Spera
Jennifer Case
John McCleary
JP Milot
Kathryn Stoker
Kelly Gilleni
Kim Hooper-Stanley
Grzegorz and Magdalena
Marc Vengrove
Sahishnu interview
Mark Dorion
Newton Baker
Palash Bosgang
Peter Shiue
Rob Leder
Robert Spilotras
Ryan Pelletier
Sean Babcock
Steve Bracero
Trishul Cherns
Troy Krum
Upasana Young
Vasudha Deming
Vikram Singh
William Brod
Jun Lin
We get boundless joy
When we try to journey
Towards the Unknowable.
When we try to journey
Towards the Unknowable.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 48, Agni Press, 2007
Everything during this race was special. It was a magical placebo run and the kindness of people there and helping transcended all!
Dear all, it is overwhelming seeing you all back at the course.
All the familiar faces.
We learned to treasure the opportunities we were given.
We learn to find new ways of expression.
And will be tremendously happy joining again.
With a big wave from Europe
This was my first race experience ever and I had such a fantastic time. Everyone was so nice and helpful. Thank you all so much for this event. I will be back next year for sure.