“I didn’t realize how hard the race would be. Not just for the runners but also all the workers.”
I am going to be the 50th person to to complete the race but I didn’t realize just how many people behind the scenes working together to put the race on. I want people to know about this race, and how many people it took to put it all together.”

“The support of the Taiwanese community helped me a lot. I realized that even though the race is called self-transcendence, but it cannot happen without the collaboration of a lot of people helping each other. Now I feel I know more of the wisdom behind it. It is only because of team work and people working together.”

“I am just a small person. But the impact of my achievement that I have had on people is beyond my imagination. I feel more people need to know about the race.”
“I never met Sri Chinmoy, but I feel that when he created this race he must have had some thought behind it.”
Wei Ming feels touched and inspired by the meaning of Self-transcendence the very meaning of the race and what he accomplished here in 48 days, 11 hours, 52 minutes setting a standard for all of Asia and older runners everywhere.

Sahishnu’s Week 7 Review
The Board at the start of day 50
Sri Chinmoy Ultra photo
Start Day 50
Vasu did 60 miles
He now has 3055 miles
With Sasha
He finishes tonight
Nina’s butterfly
Harita did 60 miles
She now has 2992 miles
With Sveta
Completing 3000 miles
Nina flies
Vinaya and Champ
Medur updates the board
A moment
Takasumi did 60 miles
He now has 2933 miles
With Nina
He will finish Tuesday night
Molly from the park
Sahishnu and Garima
Ananda-Lahari did 63 miles
He now has 2718 miles
A letter from Alan Young
Stutisheel did 32 miles
He now has 2639 miles
A Champ break
Parvati and Anjali decorating for tonight
And the inner run
Are two complementary souls.
They help each other
13 December 2004
Xiamen, China
Wow! What oneness pours from the video~~ gratitude!
What a great interview with Wei Ming. He is all shining from inside. Thank you Utpal for making us part of the Race through your reports.