Ananda-Lahari Finish

Ananda-Lahari finish

Sahishnu speech

Ananda-Lahari speech


A few more laps

The board was changed

Sahishnu and Sundar

Singers practice

Not yet his time

Logistics of ribbon holding


Dad and daughter

Little jobs that have to be done


Yolanda has come to visit

The cake

At last

A personal best

Sahishnu praises

Silence and sound

Ananda-Lahari speaks

A beautiful day

3 thoughts on “Ananda-Lahari Finish”

  1. Congratulations Ananda Lahari. How incredible doing your personal best after your best 13 years ago!

  2. Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude!!! Even from a distance you can feel all smiles and tears of the runners. And it is contagious: Every day I am crying and smiling here with all the runners… I am especially happy for Ananda-Lahari to finish at last! And of course I can’t wait to see Harita crossing the finish line:-)! Utpal, thank you!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for again bringing the race so close to all of us!! We all live on and with this most special race every summer:-)!

  3. I am so happy that Ananda-Lahari crossed the finish line. I was hoping that he will do it this year and he did.
    Good to hear that Harita’s dad is at the race, so she will have very good support in every way
    for the finish.

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