It is just a few minutes past 6 o’clock in the morning and Grahak, with his hands resting on his hips is walking up the ‘hill’ for the first time today. Until just a few minutes earlier he had been running smoothly and then, about 5o meters earlier, he simply down shifted his body into its lowest gears and slowed noticeably.
Practically nobody else in the city would dare classify this slight incline on this Queens sidewalk as a hill. The change in elevation is barely detectable and yet when you bring your eyes down closer to the surface of the sidewalk, the change is noticeable, not dramatic, not Himalayan, but only really obvious from that vantage point.
Yesterday Grahak climbed this hill, going in the other direction 119 times. In most other places climbing a hill usually means you can take advantage of the gained altitude and use it when you are then able to coast down the other side. The strange thing about this hill next to the Grand Central is that there does not appear to be another side that ever leads downward to compensate for the effort of going up.
Surveyors could explain this better, gps devices could analyze the calculable differences between distinct parts of the course yet ultimately if you are one of the 11 runners here this spot is indeed the hill. No matter how fast you have been running prior to reaching the hill the moment you arrive there you stop and then start walking.
New runners usually adapt to this strategy immediately on their very first day. Either they simply follow the example of the veterans or some part of their beings recognizes that is a really good idea to slow down right here. It is a tactic that has been in practice for 16 years.
Out of curiosity I took out a calculator just to add up all the laps that the runners have completed here so far this summer. As of this morning the total is just over 43,000 laps, and counting of course. Grahak has the biggest chunk of that since he leads the field with 4,424. (5649 is the goal)
Practically every aspect of the race offers an important message and significant lesson to anyone trying to reach a new goal for themselves or change or transform some aspect of their lives. When we loose hope and give up on anything difficult then we become our own worst enemy.
Yet not even trying at all means the ultimate victory of our own ignorance. What these runners prove and demonstrate is the irrefutable importance of simply always going forward. Slow down if necessary, speed up when you can, for the goal always grows closer each day, when at least you try.
There is not a single human being on earth who does not need patience. And we who are seekers of infinite Light and Truth need patience more than others, for we are consciously, soulfully and devotedly aiming at the highest Goal. We want to climb up Mount Everest in the spiritual life. So naturally we need conscious, constant and unending patience. It is not like climbing up an ant-hill or even an ordinary hill; it cannot be done in the twinkling of an eye. The higher the goal, the more patience we need.
Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy Speaks, Part 1, Agni Press, 1976.

Photo by Shradha
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