“I think that it was after a short rain, I had just the feeling or I saw it inwardly that they are not just bodies moving on the track, but I saw 12 beautiful birds flying around the course. Like soul birds flying flying, and flying.”…..Atmavir
When you ask most people what kind of gift they would like to receive on their birthday the average person, when given enough paper and enough ink could tear off a list that could stretch into endless futile tomorrows. When you are feet are planted firmly on the earth than often you want only want what the world has and what the world is.
Atmavir, whose 34th birthday is today, has feet that are not stuck fast to the earth but instead are swiftly skimming lightly across the face of the earth. And there are days surely when he and all the others who run here must and do rise up from this tired painful earth and take flight towards quite a different world. Our eyes and minds can’t see it but in some bright lit corner of our heart we can be aware of this miracle.
When you timidly cling to the earth or allow the world to bind you to it, there can be no flight. Golden dreams can pass just above your head and yet you cannot see them and do not dare to even reach out. For 6 summers Atmavir has run here seeking out that other world. He has clearly heard its call and by running each day and each summer attempted to seek out and become one with the inviting whisper of tomorrow. No one can say how far really he has come but today at least he radiates contentment and his face beams with delight and joy.
Before coming here this morning he meditated and offered his gratitude to his late teacher Sri Chinmoy for the opportunity of once again being able to take part in this journey of Self Transcendence that he created 16 summers ago.
On this day 34 years ago his soul began its life journey here on earth. Now with each step and each new mile his soul draws closer to the place from which it sprang. A place you can arrive at only when your hands are empty and your heart is full.
Question: What do the birds teach us?
Sri Chinmoy: We all want freedom and we all need freedom. The birds teach us to liberate ourselves from earth’s bondage. This teaching of the birds is indeed sublime.
Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy Answers, Part 3, Agni Press, 1995.
It is a wet cool start of the day
Atmavir will receive many gifts throughout the day but the first this morning is a new hat that has come from friends in the Czech Republic.
Start Day 34
It is a brief but truly beautiful moment as the runners sing the birthday song for Atmavir. He proudly wears his new hat and as well a shirt given to him by Sopan, who though he could not complete the race this year wanted to honor his friend who surely will make it all the way there. Small things yes but things packed with power and hope and promise.
“This race is more intense than previous ones for me, the inner intensity. Also you can see that there are much more outer injuries which the boys are getting quite often this year.”
I ask him if he thinks there is any significance to being 34 on the 34th day of the race and he says that for him it just looks nice, but is not really important.
The weather this morning however is just the way he likes it, cool and fresh. “It is perfect absolutely perfect.”
When asked about experiences he might have had he says that many things happen and then just go. He says others like Pradeep keep journals but it is not something he cares to do.
“For me it is a very special year. I am really very grateful that I am here this year. Although I may not be doing such great mileage, but I am satisfied.”
“I always try and make others happy, on my soul’s day. I ordered roses for Parvati’s group and the kitchen girls and also dark chocolate. Try always to enjoy the day.” Yesterday as well he got a blister and has a pain in his left shin which is swollen a lit bit this morning. “So I will also take it a little bit easy today. I don’t want to get injured also.”
Click to Play Interview
A special serenade from the Enthusiasm Awakeners
A moment with his Slovak brothers.
Grahak continues to run a phenomenal race
Kanan the flower man has been busy today
A few others are busy with more than running.
Precious words resting on a fence.
Sarvagata continues to struggle to regain his form and strength.
Last night Vasu went home after completing 2000 miles.
“It is crazy. I would never do it.” Pushkar’s sister Ulrike has been visiting New York for the past week and has often come out to see her brother running here. She tells me how she has been doing little jobs for him and trying to make the time she spends with him here just a little easier.
I wonder what she has been getting out of it all and she says, “there is a magic in the air. Be part of it.”
Last May he invited her to help him run in a 24 hour race. It was the first time she had actually helped him participate in a long race. So being here now, “is nothing different for me.”
As for how it was like, “it was really very tough. It was for me stop and go, stop and go with the running. Sometimes also for motivation I ran with him, and just looking for what he wants to have, and what he needs.”
She and her friend Vera will be going home on Saturday after spending 8 nights in New York. I ask how she will describe her stay here. “It is quite difficult, to explain what he is doing here. You can’t really tell the people. It is just crazy. They can’t catch it. So it is just something for us.”
Click to play interview
Atmavir recites the Poem of the Day
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Enthusiasm Awakeners…Click to Play….parvati | ![]() |
O world-ignorance,
You have shackled my feet,
I am free.
You have chained my hands,
I am free.
You have enslaved my body,
I am free.
I am free because I am not of the body.
I am free because I am not the body,
I am free because I am the soul-bird
That flies in Infinity-Sky.
I am the soul-child that dreams
On the Lap of the immortal King Supreme.
Sri Chinmoy, The Dance Of Life, Part 2, Agni Press, 1973.
No birthday hats this year?
Hi, Ananda! I walked 10 miles this morning.
Happy Soul’s Day Atmavir – your soul is shining out of your eyes most beautifully!! Thank you