“Sometimes you are injured so what, you do your best. Sometimes it is hot and you do your best even if it is only 100 laps. The next day is nice weather and you can do 130. I always say the most important thing is to do your best.“….Pranjal
For most of humanity the idea of doing your best is a lofty theoretical concept yet it is something that is all too rarely practiced in every day life. It is something that we all treasure and whole heartedly believe in. In truth it is an abstraction that we think about a lot and yet so rarely actually perform ourselves. Conveniently we are often disappointed when we don’t witness it in others around us and yet are reluctant to be critical when we ourselves give some significant percentage of ourselves that is less than 100%.
There may be some great task or endeavor in the future that we determinedly have every real intention of giving our all. Then when that moment arrives we are assailed by doubt and insecurity and make some feeble pledge that most definitely next time we will rise up to meet the challenge. Perhaps we might feel embarrassed to see our actions judged critically by others and use the excuse, ‘but o yes I can do better.’
As well we think that if we really unleash the full power of our capacity than we will be diminished and weakened because of it. Instead of realizing that only by giving our all can we actually expand our capacity and then ultimately transcend our achievements in the not too distant future.
4o year old Pranjal Milovnik is a rare and special individual who, when he uses the phrase, ‘do my best’, backs it up and authenticates the words with powerful and practical action. When he came here 8 years ago for the first time it was his credo and it is one that he has yet to abandon or waiver from an iota. Come early and stay late. Don’t waste time. Don’t worry, don’t analyze, just open the door of your heart and go. If the day is hard and you are hurting great. If the day is good and you feel well also great. Either one is fine.
For Pranjal the present moment is the only moment. The important thing is not the finish line ahead, it is not tomorrow, is not the next lap, or even the next step. It is now. The opportunities that exist in the future mean nothing if you simply do not take all the ones that are right in front of you.
His spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy lived this way, taught his students to attempt it, and felt all of the world could be a better place if in fact that giving and doing your best, is not just important, but essential for all our lives. Eventually when we discard all the binding chains of our limitations we just might realize who we are within. Find ourselves at the summit heights of perfection and realize that ultimately we had to do so little to arrive there. That it is our inner pilot who is waiting patiently, to not just lead us to the goal but also to take us there as well. We only need to allow him to act in and through us.
God tells me:
“Cry not like a beggar
For your own liberation.
Smile and strive,
And strive and smile
Like a hero supreme
For My complete manifestation
Here on earth.”

Arpan had his first good day in more than a week despite the intense heat and humidity.
Rupantar checks the lap sheets and sees that both Grahak and Pranjal had good mileage days.
The clock never has a problem
Phones have problems
Start Day 32
I ask how it was possible for him to run 65 miles yesterday when nearly every other runner with the exception of Grahak ran a lot less. In his typically amusing fashion he says it was possible because he didn’t go to the Doctor. Apparently several different medical people showed up and received a steady stream of runners which did not include Pranjal. “I go to the Doctor only when I am sick, not when I am well.”
“I am sleepy but I don’t think a Doctor can help me with this.”
“Yesterday wasn’t that bad, but in the evening it got really humid. But I stayed until the end. It looks like today is going to be even worse. They said it is going to be 39C with the humidity. I am sure my body has got used to it. In the beginning when we had 33C we were dying here. Now 33C is not that bad actually.”
I ask of course whether completing 2000 miles yesterday meant anything. “It is just a number.”
I wonder if he takes any notice of the other runners, particularly the closeness in mileage that had existed between Grahak and Sarvagata. He jokes that Sarvagata is just a few miles ahead of him……100miles. Sarvagata had his worst day of the race yesterday and Pranjal tells me that he was walking for much of the day. Today however he seems well and at least as of the morning seems to be running well.
“It is the day. Sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down. You can not just change the thing.”
As for being inspired by others who are doing well or be affected by the opposite extreme to him they are the same. “I am running my own race. I am not looking at who is running and how they are running. I am happy for them but it doesn’t make any difference to me.”
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Sarvagata does lots of stretching this morning
But he appears well
Grahak and Stutisheel performed a skit
There was not a lot of practicing.
Pradeep has run 100 laps each of the past 3 days
Atmavir seems to struggle with the heat
Vasu is doing well
“I am glad that I am so welcome. The warmth and the spiritual atmosphere is so condusive for me being here.” The running Swami was a regular morning fixture here for quite a few years. He lived in the neighborhood and his temple was close by. When in town he ran every day early in the morning before dawn on the same course as the 3100. “It is like a magnet, and when I am here I blend right inside the consciousness of the runners and the volunteers and the disciples of Guru Sri Chinmoy.”
“When I leave here after the chanting of mantras, I take it with me. Then it is my energy for the rest of the day.”
“The togetherness of people coming together makes harmony, and this is when God smiles. When he sees that his creation is in harmony with each other.”
“Here it is so condusive to running. I was just running and the sun was in my face, greeting me. This is such an auspicious moment for us. The sun is coming and it brings attention to things we take for granted. How beautiful the sun is and how important it is. You contemplate on the sun when you are in this kind of mood.”
“But in the normal day to day, rushing to work, you take the sun for granted. You don’t have time to look. The mind is always racing.”
“But when you are running here. There is a moment of introspection and you relate to all of God’s creation. They say that this is the eye of God, the sun, and the other eye is the moon. Giving us light. Not just bright light, but divine light.”
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Karnayati recites the poem of the Day
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God tells me that it is quite easy
To satisfy and please Him.
He advises me to take every day
Just a few aspiration-steps,
And devotion-steps
Towards my ultimate Goal:
His universal Fulfilment.
Sri Chinmoy, Here And Now, Agni Press, 2001.
Pranjal, thank you for your philosophy – so perfect, but so hard!
Arpan, I am so happy to see you smiling again – you are getting ready for your very, very special Soul’s Day.
Thank you all for helping to lift the ignorance-veil of the world with each devoted and surrendered step that you are taking. All gratitude!