He starts the day with just 600 more miles to go. Still an epic distance but now minuscule, in comparison to the 2500 miles he has already run over the past 38 days. It will likely take Galya less than 10 days more to reach the golden shore of his efforts. Many things can happen in that time and certainly the searing recent weather is unlikely to offer him any short cuts or hand outs in the next week, that is for sure.
Never has the completion of running 3100 miles ever been served up on a golden platter. It is always a hard fought journey no matter your talent or capacity. Galya, who possess great quantities of both of these qualities is for the moment in a tie for second place with Pranjal. He has been strong and consistent these past 38 days.
There are moments when he seems to run with effortless ecstasy, but also there has been for him great swaths of struggle, pain, and fatigue, which he takes without complaint. From an outer perspective this race has never ever been described as easy. Soft and gentle adjectives just don’t fit into the vocabulary of race adjectives.
This year will be remembered as the hot one. The days and nights both simmering with unbearable heat and humidity. But the past 13 summers have also offered up their own unique buffets of joy and woe. Last year, in his first 3100, Galya had a memorable cool and wet race here.
More importantly, on this the 39th day of running here Galya, will, by some coincidence of fate, turn 39 years old today as well. A year ago, when he was also running here he had perhaps the worst day of running in his life, which happened oddly on the 38th day of the race. The day was cool and rainy and he was quite sick.
When asked if he wanted to see a Doctor, he replied, “If a runner went to a Doctor every time he felt bad, he would never be on the course.
He has received much support and encouragement all during the race and particularly today which is his birthday. The love and affection that his fellow runners have for him today is heart warming. This little family of 11 members shares something that no one else can be fully part of. They have all gone through all the same pain and joy of the road. It is a place in which in some unique way they are all in tune with one another. They collectively are able to feel and share the highs, and are aware when the polar opposite occurs. At that time they are also able try to help others when the inevitable dip of consciousness and energy tumbles. Looking out for one another as only a family can. They see if, and how, they can help one another.
Today, at least for now it is just a pure and sweet celebration. As one they move slowly forward from the line. They sing the birthday song and they express love and oneness like only this little divine family can. And yes, then they slowly drift apart but never in spirit.
The party Mistress arrives early to festoon the runners area with balloons and provides the party hats.
Dirty laundry is delivered in its own way.
The weather forecast has found a way to go from bad to worse. The onslaught of hot weather is not forecast to break any time soon and Saturday could be the worst day yet. There are now just 14 days left to run.
Start Day 39
“Today is good. Nice weather and I can run.” On the Grand Central side of the course there has been a dramatic change since yesterday. The temporary fence that had constricted the side walk was taken down and some of the old side walk was lifted up and replaced. For a time the runners were forced to run on the road, but protected by large pylons. Many noticed how much softer the surface of the road was in comparison to the sidewalk. Galya says they worked quickly and it wasn’t too much of a bother for their running.
He shows me a tiny inscription scratched into the fresh wet concrete by Atmavir yesterday. When August comes and the runners are long gone it will be a reminder to all who pass, if they look really closely, just what happens here over the course of the summer.
When he describes his run here last year he says, “everything was new. Every step was grace. This second race you know how long it is.”
Coming back again for the second time meant for him the challenge of bettering an already great performance. This year he came knowing it would require more from him in order to transcend himself. More intensity he says and trying to find more power. “Maybe because of this I am not always all the time smiling so much, like last year. Inside I am smiling like normal.”
“This race is real life. It is a special opportunity for a runner to be here. I am really happy that I came here to run, and so far this year I have had no big problem. I am really grateful, and next year maybe again.”
No matter what he complains about he is always running stable.” Stutisheel is here this morning to celebrate Galya’s birthday. “He can say, O my legs are sore, or, I didn’t get enough sleep. But running he is just even. He really has super determination. Also this year he is more deep. I just like him.”
“I just needed to support his ankle.” Vajra has put on his masseur cap this morning to help Purna-Samarpan who has had stiff ankles for the last couple of days.
A true seeker
lives between
his mind’s nothingness
and his heart’s fulness.
Poem of the Day
by Sri Chinmoy
July 21, 2007
Some interesting characters showed up this morning while the Enthusiasm Awakeners were singing. One was some kind of rare Scandinavian bird. The other looked a lot like Pushkar who says he wanted to give something back to the girls who offer so much each morning.
Simplicity is an Advanced Course.
Song Composed by Sri Chinmoy
Performed by Enthusiasm Awakeners
Simplicity Is An Advanced Course
If not the only real life of an animal?
What is it
If not the only real life of man?
What is it
If not the only real life of God?
Excerpt from The Wings Of Light, Part 6 by Sri Chinmoy
1982, 27th August, Dehradun at about 8 pm
Ma completes her Llla on this earth and assumes the immutable immanent form.
O Father, the Absolute Parampita, you are moving about as the restless universe, as couples, as parents, as offspring, and as all diverse forms. But you appear to be covered under the veil of ignorance (maya) and attachment (moha). No matter there is still enough scope to come out of the veil. Pick up single-pointedness in your attitude, firmness in your confidence and deep sincerity for your quest, and take up your journey. You are sure to reach your goal – your own true self.
Nirmala Sundari Devi
A few days ago it happened two times that Pushkar didn’t have his right shoe on. For me this is a sign to meditate on it, so I took this shoeless feet into my heart and asked what it had to say because it was quite odd to look at it and this twice. The answer came that this year the 27th of August falls on a Friday. Ananandamayi Ma choose Sri Chinmoy’s Brithday to make His Lotus Feet famous. In that year the birthday celebration was at P.S. 86 and I remember well how Guru entered the school building, completely veiled in white Light and I was siting there outside, waiting for him to come and he showered his Blessing Light upon me, I have still a picture of that very moment, how I wish I could put it here. So the world is all covered by maya, illusion but beneath there is gold, specially when something happens twice, that is a strong pointer to look at. So thank you again Utpal, you hands are guided when you take photos.