July 3 There is a Perfect Atmosphere Here

lady libertyToday there is a holiday in America.  It is not quite the proper July 4th celebration, but because the 4th is on a Saturday, the day off has been scheduled for today.  America will have its parades, concerts, and fireworks tomorrow for sure, so today the country gets to sleep in and take it easy.

For the runners a holiday means only that the streets are quieter and there is little, or no roar, rising up from the Grand Central nearby.  More importantly the day is warm, sunny, and dry.  The great thunderstorms that rolled in yesterday and lit up the sky and flooded the course are just an unpleasant memory.  Though one that’s devastation still lingers  in musty shoes piled up trying to dry, and numbers on the board, that were diminished due to hours of slogging through sloppy streets.

On this the eve of America’s independence it somehow seems fitting to find this country is hosting Guru runningthe longest distance race in the world.  It is after all a place in which big, grand, and powerful have been synonymous for much of what this Country has created.  But those words fall inadequately short in describing the Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race.  Long yes, but its greatness is beneath and beyond what we the public can see standing on a sidewalk.  There is an inner wonder here that is off the charts when it comes to luminosity and intensity.

Sri Chinmoy whose distance running life took place here once said of this country.

frank shorter“America is a young nation. It does not want to walk; it wants to run as fast as possible in order to breast the tape first.

I appreciate America for its dynamism. If you are dynamic, you run towards your goal. If you do not know where the goal is, then you may run from this side to that side. But it is better than to remain static. Americans are running. They may not be sure of the goal, but they are constantly on the move. They go to one side and run into a wall and get hurt. Then they go to another side and the goal is not there, so they get another bill rodgersblow. But at least they go.

The best quality in th e spiritual life is not to hesitate once you know your goal. But even if you do not know your goal, it is good to run. God’s Compassion will dawn just because you are running, because you are on the move. Once you feel that your goal is not where you are, that your goal is somewhere ahead of you, then you have to run. And if you run, eventually you are bound to reach your goal.”

boardpranjal shoes The numbers on the board do not reveal their secrets too easily.  True Asprihanal is still 70 miles ahead of his pace from last year, but yesterday he had, what for him is a shocking day.  He ran just 60 miles.  It seems to be a combination of impossible weather and not feeling well.  He still has many days ahead to regain what was so quickly lost in yesterdays storms. Pranjal was one of the few to have run further.

start 1



“There is a perfect atmosphere here,” says Padhik who has come the last few years from the Czech republic to help at the race.  At the moment he has a back injury and is riding his bike beside Pavol.  “The runners are looking very nice.  I like it here because there is a dynamic energy.”  He pauses briefly as the enormity of what he is about to express aloud can filter out from his heart to the world at large.  “I hope one year I will be able to participate in this race.”

So far he has only done one multi day and the that was the 6 day race last year.  Right now he seems to have a long time table of things he wants to achieve before he feels he will be ready.  Clearly though the allure of the race has drawn him here now and perhaps the seed of real possibility will germinate in time.

pavol anc czech 3He has strong feelings about how Sri Chinmoy’s influence and encouragement are still present at this race.  “I am from Czech republic there must be some energy that runners can use.”  He describes the outer conditions as being not as healthy as those in Europe.  “Now they must run 100km daily with no rest.  The energy must come from within.”Padhik interview

as3and prajnI will be gone for a few days and would like to share some previously unpublished images.

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Parvati’s group

Hope discovered America.

America has discovered promise.

Promise will discover Fulfilment supreme

In Perfection divine.

Excerpt from Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 5 by Sri Chinmoy.

One thought on “July 3 There is a Perfect Atmosphere Here”

  1. All this running nowhere fast
    To Tell you Everything

    Lyrics by Terri Clark

    All this running nowhere fast
    All these faces that I pass
    All these souls that don’t reach out
    Leave me feeling so without
    I think you got here just in time
    I think it’s meant to be
    And I’m ready to do anything
    I want to tell you everything
    Every nightmare, every dream
    Every fear I’ve ever had
    All the good and all the bad
    All the secrets that I’ve kept
    My mistakes and my regrets
    The relief that it would bring
    Just to tell you everything

    Just to be all you need
    When you need somebody there
    Just to let go and still know
    You wont go anywhere

    Just to find myself again
    Tell you who I’ve always been
    Just to feel my spirit rise
    When I look into your eyes
    And see what I’ve been dying for
    Baby I want nothing more
    Than these songs I’m ganna sing
    When I tell you everything

    Just to be all you need
    When you need somebody there
    Just to let go and still know
    You wont go anywhere

    All this loneliness that urled
    All the years that had me fooled
    Now they seem to slip away
    When you turn to me and say
    I think you got here just in time
    I think we’re going to be just fine
    And it would be enough for me
    Just to tell you everything
    Baby I’d do anything
    I want to tell you everything.

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