“It is a very very special morning. This is the last morning of the race.”
Jayasalini describes how now, with just 41 miles to go, she wants to absorb every last drop of the experience she has had these past 51 days. “The fragrance of the course, the beauty of the course. To be grateful, grateful, for every morning. For every step. It is a very special morning.”
“I know that many many people are waiting for me back home. I got so many many experiences here, that I think that I definitely have changed, something changed inside me. First you receive, you absorb, than you want to share it.”
“To be honest it is beyond beyond my understanding, what is happening here. What’s I felt during the whole race, is that I need to be here for this very moment. I need to do what I have to do. This is taking one step after another, and be grateful for every step. I feel that this is what the Supreme wants me to do. To be here and to run, and to be grateful and to be happy.”
“To accept whatever comes, and just move forward. No matter what happens. Come what may. Just go on.”
“What is happening in the inner world, it is beyond my understanding.”
“The last couple of weeks were much slower. The 109 laps that you need to do in average in the beginning it seemed very very doable.” (Jayasalini did 104 yesterday) I was pretty constant. But now it feels like an Everest. The last couple of weeks I have averaged 105 laps. I was counting every night when I went home. I have a table on my wall. So I was more or less conscious of where I was. I tried not to worry at all. At some point I realized that the Supreme would take care of the mileage. I said to the Supreme that it was all up to you. I will just try and think of you. To be with you inwardly, all the time.”
“From that time I just stopped worrying. Of course sometime thoughts come. Deep inside I felt that whatever happens is the best. This is just an experience that the Supreme wants me to go through. I will just do it.”
“I admire every runner on the course. From every runner I feel something special, an energy or quality. The way that Sarah runs is really beyond my understanding. How was it possible for her to run so so fast and so strong. How is it possible to do this on your feet each day.” She describes her experience of just Sarah passing her on the course with such speed and power. “I don’t know how it was possible.”
“This is one of the questions that I still have no answer.”
“William is so so focused. All the time during the whole day. He can be looking just a few meters ahead. You can see that nothing else exists around him. Just he, himself, and running, moving forward so fast.”
“Nidhruvi’s experience I also admire her. I bow to her soul and to her determination. I ask myself many times. How I would feel if I had this experience. I don’t know if I could stay. To continue like she does. Still to be cheerful. Still to smile. That is amazing.”
“I feel that what is happening here can inspire many many people. William’s example yesterday, that he finished at his age. At 60, to run so fast. To do this is something beyond. This is an example that will inspire many many people of his generation. And also young people. I hope and I feel that more girls will want to come to this race. I feel it strongly.”
“For me to be here and do every step is to please the Supreme in his own way. This was my only goal.”
Click to Play Interview:
This Japanese Maple tree has observed the countless comings and goings of many people over the years. It has survived and flourished in a place that it is exposed to lots of activity. Directly in front of Thomas Edison High School.
It was planted in a small and simple ceremony on October 11th, 1975. As part of a celebration to mark Sri Chinmoy’s recent completion of 100, 000 Jharna Kala paintings. They would be followed of course by millions more.
Nearly 30 years have passed since then. The little tree now grown large, and despite all that has happened in and around and to it, it somehow still endures. In its own way offers the beauty of nature to all who would see it. And also still offers something deep and inner to all who can feel it.

October 11,1975
Something divine may be
Beyond your need today,
But it can never remain
Beyond your need forever.
For every day
A new message from Heaven
Is touching the earth-shore.
This little running movie is still my favorite. It is rough in parts and yet tells something about Sri Chinmoy and his love of running that I have never repeated. Made in March 2009.
Music by Parichayaka
This is the very last morning of the race. No more tables, no more chairs, no more runners after midnight tonight. Misha, Rupantar, and Vajra, who have been here every day will not be here.
Ananda-Lahari has come first this morning. Almost as though he does not miss or waste any of his final moments here.
Nidhruvi and Jayasalini now the last 2 girls on the last day.
Baladev comes to run as far as he can.
Jayasalini having that special feeling. The certain knowledge that by about 6pm she will finish the race. She only has to run 41 miles more.
The Start of Day 52
How a 33 year old champion from Moscow looks.
It is going to be one last long beautiful day.
Ray did 76 laps yesterday.
Ray shows me just how good he is when it comes to time and numbers. Counting down the time and steps it takes to reach a fire hydrant.
He has now calculated a finish for himself that will take place just before midnight. He wants to complete 3670 laps of the course.
“It also ends up being 2014.096 miles.”
“In 1996 Sri Chinmoy began the first of the ultra long races with the 2700 mile race. So I pay homage to the beginnings in 96 and to the present.”
“And as I have said many times in this event. It is kind of spiritual awakening. We talked about this the other day. I have said many times, this is the best day ever……until tomorrow.”
He recites a poem for the Enthusiasm Awakeners. He cannot recall the words. “That was as fleeting as a whisper. From the Supreme into somebody’s heart.”
“I have many many things that I have written on paper. But everything does not necessarily go on paper. If I wrote everything down that goes through my mind. I would merely sit in a chair and write. I would not have any time to do even 14 miles, than my 2014.”
Click to Play Interview:
“It is so deeply appreciated. Not only by me but we have talked amongst the runners. Everybody is so so truly enthused by the Enthusiasm Awakeners. ”
A special guest has joined the group this morning.
The street will miss their song tomorrow.
Sopan bravely marches along on this his last day.
He starts the day with 2233 miles.
Like all the runners today he is honored for all that he has endured, experienced, and offered here this long hard summer.
Everything has beauty in it.
Each runner offers so much and so many different qualities.
Ananda-Lahari starts the day with 2369 miles.
Teekshanam who starts the day with the very wonderful 2700 miles.
He can be proud of what he has accomplished here on this his first attempt.
He enjoys and records the special dedication to him offered by the Enthusiasm Awakeners
On another occasion he will find even more to learn and become.
Baladev starts his last day with 2921 miles.
He recites one more poem
Click to Play:
Baladev starts his final day in which he has done more than 150 miles than he had done last year.
He also reads a message sent by Petra who works at Run And Become in London.
Click to Play:
Nidhruvi did 92 laps yesterday.
“I want to say to all the people around the world. That supported me and still support me. My heart’s deepest gratitude. You cannot imagine how grateful I am. Because you helped, prayed, and meditated. Believed in me. That is the greatest gift ever.”
“Even though the board does not say 3100. I don’t care. I don’t care at all. Because I know that 100% in the inner world I have done it. It is definitely done. I am so close. Due to my injury which did not let me run fast enough.”
“But I am still moving. There was not one single day in all of the 52 days that I had to walk. I was always running even though I was slow. I am so grateful for everything. It was such a rich experience that I will never forget.”
“Even though it was the toughest race in my life, because it was so long. I don’t want to miss one day. I am sure that the progress that I made in this race. I could never have done anywhere else. I am just so grateful to Sri Chinmoy.”
“I am so happy for all the finishers. I finished last year so I know how it feels like. I feel the same this year, I just know that I have done it. It is over and I am totally grateful.”
Click to Play:
Jayasalini will work hard all day long
She enjoys the final miles and hours.
She used 24 pairs of shoes.
Tomorrow, everybody’s whose life revolved around this place will have to move on. The little bits of beauty will remain.
Camp chat will be gone but friendships endure.
Ray will be presumably still on the phone.
Very little things
Counters like Nataliya will find other things to do….Maybe with numbers and maybe not.
Sarah heads back to Australia on the 9th.
Very delicate life
Vasu recites the daily prayer in Russian.
Click to Play:
Larisa will continue to make music
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The very special fragments of blue
Feet moving onto other paths but always the same goal.
How could you say this guy didn’t need new tires. He is not only a moving hazard to other motorists he is a hazard to himself.
What bird mechanics do after a hard day of working on cars.
I wish they would mark the course better. A dog could get lost out here.
Now the real estate man said this was a great place to build a nest. But I am not so sure now that I am here.
Thanks for lunch.
Special thanks to the Enthusiasm Awakeners
One last dog waiting for Jayasalini to finish
Jayasalini does her last lap.
Pati shows me her card.
Songs are sung.
Click to Play Jayasalini’s finish:
The team all comes together to celebrate.
Nidhruvi will continue on until midnight but has to show her love and respect for Jayasalini before she continues.
Sahishnu gives his speech
Sahishnu’s speech:
“Ladies and gentlemen, our 8th finisher and the 2nd woman to finish this year. She is the 5th woman all time in the history of the race. The first Russian woman. She is now ranked 32nd out of 37 people who have ever run this race.”
“Her performance is 92nd out of 132. Those are the statistical things. She contacted us back in December. She said she had inner feeling, that she wanted to run this race. I have been begging her to run the race she is had the capacity for years. But she didn’t feel that she was ready. Then she had this feeling that she should do it this year. So I said okay.”
“This is like the fulfillment of a dream. Jayasalini has run 3100 miles in 51 days, 12 hours, and 30 minutes. Which is an average of 60.17 miles per day. Congratulations.”
“The sky is the limit. She is only 33. This is young for a multi day.”
A moment alone
“I have been dreaming about doing this race for almost 10 years. Now I pinch myself and can’t believe it is true, or is it a dream. I tried to enjoy every day, every hour, every minute, and every second of this race. Every step was nothing but the Supreme’s grace. It is only grace that has carried me all these days. It is amazing adventure, and amazing pilgrimage. This race is a play of oneness. It is only because of our oneness that we were all running towards one goal together.
“I am very grateful to everyone, to all the smiles in your eyes. For your love and for your support you gave me. Not just those standing here but also those thousands of kilometers far from here. I felt there very gentle push. I am very grateful to all the runners. Because it was a feeling of a family. All the runners offered their support.”
“Even after 7 multi days I realize I know basically nothing about real mult multi multi day running.”
To hear full speech click link above
At Midnight the 5 remaining runners sat down at last and were honored (Sopan Left early)
Sahishnu spoke: (regret wind noise)
Click to Play:
Each runner spoke
Click To Play:
The Other 4 runners:
Click to Play:
*This is my last post on the race this year. I am extremely grateful at the opportunity I have been granted to play even this small role in sharing this great divine adventure of the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race. For all those who have come to this site even for a brief click or have taken the time to stroll across the pictures and all the many words. I thank you.
To all of you who have generously offered your time to check in here, to look, to listen, and to dream your own impossible dreams I am humbly grateful that you have done so.*
Prayer of the Day recited by Sarah
Click to Play:
Enthusiasm Awakeners
Song of the Day
Click to Play:
When we unreservedly give something
To the world,
God unconditionally gives us
Things divine,
Far beyond our imagination.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 33, Agni Press, 2003
I prayerfully bow
To the Hero Supreme.
Sri Chinmoy, I prayerfully bow, 1992
… in each of you! (Including helpers and reporters 🙂
Gratitude! Gratitude! Gratitude! And huge congratulations!!!
Hi Utpal
I am very very very gratefull to you
thank you.
There is no end.
It is only a new beginning.
Sri Chinmoy, 36538 Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Thank you Utpal very much!
I’ve read every single post. Reading them is just such a great inspirational start for a day.
Thank you very much indeed, Utpal, for consistently bringing the Race closer to the readers-spectators-listeners of the blog. The audios combined with the pictures and stories make one feel almost present there. Thank you!
Utpal! What more can I say? I really appreciate your endless efforts to share Gurus Consciousness, which is so present at this race, with all that are eager to get it. Wonderful job! Thumbs up! Thank you.
I have had the very good fortune and honour to see these runners every morning of this race, which was just a tiny sliver of their heroic day. The pride I have for each of them is probably as much as a human being can have for another — I can only imagine what immeasurable Pride the Supreme has for them! Indeed, Sri Chinmoy’s dream of self-transcendence is alive in everyone who participated, from those who spent 1/2 hour identifying with them through this wonderful blog, to those who worked nearly or equally as hard (and there are many!) as the runners did. May we all take this lesson forward each and every day: “We are all truly unlimited, If we only dare to try. And have faith.” — Sri Chinmoy (from book, Aspiration-Body, Illumination-Soul, Part 1)
Many many thanks Utpal for allowing us to follow this incredible event each day. Through your skill and love for the race, we are allowed to take a small part of Jamaica along with us each day, and a huge part of inspiration in the oneness of the world. We appreciate your work, we dare to dream, and we love you all.
Jayasalini’s heart seems to be overflowing and jumping with joy!!!
My heartfelt congratulations also to Nidhruvi, Teekshanam, Baladev, Ananda-Lahari and Ray. I now heard so many times the 3100 mile songs that I will probably sing them for a few more days.
And it cannot be said enough how grateful we are for this wonderful blog, Utpal.
Wishing you at least 3,100 blessings for your dedicated service and extraordinary talent in making each day of a 3100 race seem ever new, ever inspiring and ever intriguing. I know of no other person who could ever come close to filling your shoes in this task. People all around the world are offering you gratitude for your efforts that must require a huge numbers of hours day in and out.
Dear Utpal
I join in thanking You for bringing this unending joy and inspiration to us through
Your loving, dedicated and soulful effort. I read each and every entry. Thanks a Million !!
Thank you Utpal! I am in tears and speechless as every year at the end of this race. Or frankly better say, almost every day of this race. All is already said anyway. Gratitude to you! Congratulations to all the runners and servers! Victory to Sri Chinmoy
Yay! We all love this blog! 🙂 🙂 🙂