Sri Chinmoy, My God-Hunger-Cry Part 1, Agni Press, 2009
Sarah works on her feet first thing.

Sarvagata also readies for another long hot day ahead

Nothing can be overlooked

Feet are always just about the most important part of you here.

Then you can take care of the other bits.


Sarvagata takes off quickly this morning.

He had an excellent day yesterday compared to everyone else.

He ran by far the most laps yesterday, 125. He is currently in 4th place but is just 17 miles behind Vasu.

The days ahead are all going to be hot and humid ones.

By the baseball field a cooling post is spraying out a mist.

It is something new and when the wind blows it crosses through the fence and onto the sidewalk.

For those who want a little spray they just have to step near

Of course there is always the old fashioned solid form of water in small plastic bags that can do a little longer job of cooling.

Refreshment comes in all kinds of containers.

Yuri did 10 laps yesterday.

He will make 2000 miles this morning.

A local Auyervidic Doctor has prescribed some simple remedies to help the runners with the heat. One it is to carry an onion.

The Swami runs again this morning on the course.

He blends in so well with everyone and then he vanishes

Somethings do not come and go.

Ashprihanal sometimes seems that he has always been here but it has only been 12 years.

He is still in first place by nearly 100 miles and he does feel the finish line draw closer. He did 112 laps yesterday and today he is inspired to do a little skit with Sopan for the Enthusiasm Awakeners.

Breakfast is waiting on everyone’s table.

Atmavir is in 2nd and is 140 miles ahead of last year

He completed 2000 miles just before leaving last night.

Ananda-Lahari continues to walk and walk

Baladev finds miracles everywhere, and yes joy as well

Feet, legs, and shadows.

Others share the course with all its inspiration and beauty.

Daulot celebrates his birthday here today and Misha plays a song.

He gets congratulations from everyone here.

There is no end of music here.

Sarah having a tranquil time. She did what she needed yesterday 90 laps.

She gets a brief cool spray.

Sarvagata is trying out some Acupuncture patches.

You always need to stretch though.

Nidhruvi comes through the camp.

Just doing so well

Really into the swing of things.

Just for a moment she enjoys the board and seeing 1800 miles

Surasa also had 111 laps yesterday.

She is not conquered by the heat and humidity.

The things that matter.

Things that matter most perhaps. Vajra makes a shopping list.

Is anything missing.

I am told that I haven’t really seen a sunset here.

“Yesterday we had a tough day because of the weather. In the morning it was very hot and also very humid. But this is just part of the race. You cannot do anything with this, it belongs to the race. It would be nice to not have it like this, to run it in the Spring or in the Autumn but there again there could be problems. It could get cold. But this race is so long the weather is changing all the time.” Pranjal

Who still manages to run 114 laps every day.

The camp on a Tuesday morning with no vans beside the curb.

“Yesterday was a little bit hot. Dr.Kumar told us to take onions and it was very nice. You just take it in your hand or put in in your pocket and run.” He also suggested a different method of treating blisters. One not too different from using the leaves they currently are applying to blisters. He suggested putting some grass along with rosewater into the bottom of the socks of those having foot problems. “I was so happy.” (laughs) “My skin became better, just usual grass. After 5 laps of using grass my skin became better, much much better.” As we are running now he is not using this. He says he will use it only when it gets really hot a little later.

Ashprihanal made a joke about the headband that Vasu wears from time to time. “We joked about this headband. It makes my mind silent.” (laughs) “It is special because it is hand made. It is good for both warm and cold weather.”
Yesterday Vasu completed 118 laps here. He is now 140 miles ahead of his pace from last year. He says the main quality he learned and worked upon last year was patience. “And this time I hope Happiness.”

He is also very interested in hearing about the personal experiences that others may have had with Sri Chinmoy. He says he identifies closely with them and feels tremendously inspired when he hears these stories. In one story he heard from a boy who quite frequently drove one of the buses that the group once upon a time used to have.
The boy told him that he sometimes had the opportunity of driving the bus when Sri Chinmoy used to sit in a seat directly behind the driver. Vasu asked him how he felt when he did this service for Sri Chinmoy. He told him that it made him happy.

He then asked this person if it was okay to feel oneness with him and the experience of driving the bus with Sri Chinmoy in it. It was a very powerful experience for Vasu to identify in this way. “For the next few days I was not running. I was just a bus driver. So much happiness and joy I felt inside of me.”
vasu and poem
Prayer of the day

Recited in English and Russian by Vasu
Enthusiasm Awakeners

Question: How can our outer smile help our running?
Sri Chinmoy: Your outer smile can help your running considerably. When you smile, you disarm your opponent. Take running, for the time being, as your opponent. While you are fighting or struggling with your enemy, which is running, if you give a smile, naturally your enemy will lose some of its strength. So play a trick on your enemy by smiling. This may sound absurd, but I assure you it is true. Just think of the running world as an enemy and weaken the strength of this enemy by giving a smile.
Sri Chinmoy, The Outer Running And The Inner Running, Agni Press, 1974

3100 Thank you!
Another touching and sweet journal entry from our divine 3100mile race. Thank you so much. That photo you have included of Sri Chinmoy sitting down at a race is the most endearing picture ever!! Much gratitude. I am sending all my love and heart’s good wishes out to all the brave runners, and especially my two Austrian sisters running and my Australian sister – Sarah. Well done!!!!! Hello also to one of the fantastic cooks of the runners, Nipura. 🙂 Thank you all for your service…
Utpal, thanks for inspiration and 3100 spirit!
BTW, could anyone adjust the plate of Joseph Austin Playground? It’s askew from the start of the Race … 🙂