But before you start, if you can convince yourself that you are a divine observer and that somebody else is running in you, through you and for you, then fear, doubt, frustration, anxiety and other negative forces will not be able to assail your mind.
Once these thoughts occupy the mind, they try to enter into the vital and then into the physical. Once they enter into the physical, they create tension, and this makes you lose all your power of concentration.
But if you feel that you are not the runner, if you feel that you are observing the race from the beginning to the end, then there will be no tension, and these forces will not attack you. This is the only way to overcome these forces and maintain the highest type of concentration from the beginning to the end.
This is what I do. As a runner I am useless, but right at the beginning I try to become an instrument and make myself feel that somebody else, my Beloved Supreme, is running in and through me. Right at the beginning of the race I offer my gratitude-heart to the Supreme, and at the end, after I finish the race, I also offer my gratitude.
If I can offer my soulful gratitude to my Inner Pilot before the race and after the race also, then there can be no frustration, no decline of aspiration. The aspiration and power of concentration will remain the same throughout the race.
Everyone who has ever stood on a starting line of a race has felt themselves enveloped by their own unique blend of hopes and prayers and their almost unavoidable opposite companions, doubt and fear. Felt that at last that what was now lying just before them, was a real opportunity to bring to life a dream that had yet to be realized. One that they had felt steadily growing within, with each new day of training, and that now was at last the moment when they would really achieve and perform their very best. That at the end of the day they would reveal something that they had felt already existed in a subtle way within, but that now it would at last take shape and form and become a new reality.
The irony of course is that while your life force roars and thunders throughout your physical frame, within you, the best part of you seeks out the still vast island of peace that is always present. To somehow keep a delicate balance between what we see, what we feel, and what we want to become. There is a mystery in how it is possible to remain completely calm, despite the darting thoughts that swirl and buzz about like angry bees. Trying to focus on really only one thing, that now you are about to commit to giving your all. Unleash the power that comes from the relentless long miles of training. Bring together all the discipline and all the sacrifice and focus all that you have over the distance that stretches now directly before you. To now reach and attain a new goal.
It has just gone past midnight on August 27th 2012. A large group of runners are preparing themselves for the 32nd running of the 47 mile race. It is a perfect night to run. The air is still but not hot and the humidity is low so it is an almost ideal conditions to run a personal best. Tonight the weather will be a friend to all and not a relentless silent adversary.
This race is not defined like most with thoughts of competition but by oneness. Here, when one achieves something remarkable than that victory is not lost or withheld from everyone else, who has also dreamed and strived for self transcendence. It is quality that can be shared and celebrated equally by all. For we all seek the same ultimate goal. When one has inspiration it does not diminish when it is then offered to all those who also tirelessly seek out their own steps to transcendence and perfection.
Everyone who runs here or even helps out will all try and do their best this night. Try to set a new mark for themselves by bettering their times or perhaps make the night one long sweet meditation. Reach out for the luminous threads of promise that can pull us forward on our very long inner journeys.
Vajin stands at the front of this group of runners. There is none around him who would dispute his right to stand there, and there are none who don’t share, a not so secret hope, that he in particular have a very good night of running.
You can sense from everyone present that there is a collective wish that Vajin will tonight at last break the race record. One that is startlingly great but one that is also very old, and in many eyes stood for too long.
It has dangled so far above and out of reach for 32 years. So long now that it has seemed to be for many an almost unimaginable goal to reach. Many think that tonight however it will be broken at last. Those that do, have good reason to believe that this is finally possible.
Vajin, 2 years ago showed everyone that he had the determination, strength, and skill to create his own new mark of transcendence, when he ran 5:15, just 6 minutes shy of the record. Over the past 2 years he has trained hard and ran well on many long mountain trail races. He has performed superbly with top ranked trail athletes in races around the world, and now, on this August night has dedicated himself to not just transcending himself but also to offer a precious gift to his late spiritual teacher.
To create for runners, who run this race next year and quite possibly for many years to come, a new summit of perfection.
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