“It is a funny thing. A couple of races ago I was observing all the different qualities that the runners represent. If we combine all those qualities we get a perfect runner, with all the divine qualities that we need in the spiritual life.” As Sarvagata tells me this it is still the very early hours of an almost perfect day. There is a fresh breeze drifting coolly across the course from the West. The sun is rising up full and bright and promising, that at least for today, it will not burn and abuse the 12 runners who have lived under its hot gaze for so many days.
Sarvagata has spent the last 2 long summers here and is now into his 42nd day of running here on this his 3rd time. Yesterday on the course just might have been the worst day he has had all summer here. One that also might measure as a new low also when compared to all his previous years as well doing the 3100. He finished the day with just 87 laps and saw the tall Slovak Pranjal shuffle past him and take over his 4th place position. Something that neither probably scarcely noticed or also cared much about either.
Also when you look back at his personal statistics, compared to his results here last year he is more than 200 miles behind where he was then. Yet as we talk, his face bathed in the soft golden light of dawn, it is clear that he is happy with what he has and also where he is. Sarvagata at this moment would not wish any of the above to be different than exactly the way it is. He is at peace and content with all that life has given to him.
It is just so easy to forget what is really happening here. You see them, you listen too them, they tell you from their hearts just exactly what is happening to them here. Everyone in their own way expresses their unique vision of the race. When all of this is combined it describes a world that is completely different than the one most of humanity is stumbling around in. For Sarvagata a bad day and a good day have equal value. Because no matter how many miles he makes what he really wants is to simply grow stronger within. His real destination is to simply get closer to his inner source. He is running, he is praying, he is asking God to lead him only there.
He describes the qualities of the others, “speed, consistency, soulfulness, wisdom, everything that we need in our spiritual life, all the runners represent. This is so incredible. All of them together complete the perfect painting. We can’t take any of them away without breaking the whole picture.”
“I was begging to the Supreme that I would like to have all those qualities in myself. It is probably not possible to have all those qualities without having experiencing them. So this race I noticed that I experienced all those qualities. I noticed that I was even copying their style of running of the different runners. It was incredible.”

If you want to be a perfection-runner,
Then start at the aspiration-start
And run along the progress-road
To the realisation-finish.
Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 118, Agni Press, 1988