“I had a really good day yesterday.”
Atmavir did have a good day yesterday, and of course it didn’t hurt that it was also his 38th birthday.
You can see it on the scoreboard and you can see it clearly in his smile and his relaxed and happy attitude today.
The mileage by the way, which is a lot easier to check, was 66 miles for yesterday. This gives him a 32 day total of 2151 miles. Which means the remaining distance left in front of him is 1049 miles. Which is just about the distance from Zlin to the other side of Moscow.
What is another good indicator of his mood is that when he ran by me late in the morning he heard me talking with someone about problems. He called out, “there are no problems. Only opportunities.”
“I had a really good time yesterday. I was able to maintain a good consciousness all day.”
Not too many days ago Atmavir was simply having a tough time. For 2 days in a row he was getting mileage in the 40’s and could barely run. “It happened on Saturday and Sunday. Usually those days are the best on the weekend.”
“It is like a party time. There are many games going on and there are no kids going to school.”
“Saturday I stopped running. I had an empty battery. I didn’t feel as though I was pushing too hard but I just didn’t have a lot of energy. So I took it easy. I went home for a few hours. I really had to recover. It turned out to be my best day here so far.”
“I slept for an hour. Then I felt that I should meditate.” Atmavir says the meditation was such a powerful experience that he felt as though he was being showered by light and was so moved by it that he cried.
When he came back to the race he felt as though it was now a completely new start for him. “A new life. Everything was new.” Atmavir says he was surprised that Sopan independently also felt like he too was having a new start at the same time. “A new journey.”
“It was an experience that both of us had on the same day.”
When asked if there is a particular song that he likes, he says he really likes, ‘All your Grace.”
“I like its inner message because we really depend upon grace here.”
Atmavir says that are times when he is running when he is particularly aware that grace is the power behind it.
“There is a flow.”
All Your Grace, all Your Grace,
All Your Grace, all Your Grace,
My Lord Beloved Supreme!
All Your Grace, all your Grace,
My soul and I are able to join
In your birthless and deathless Race.
-Sri Chinmoy 3100 Mile Race Songs
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