Peace Run Cardiff….March 12

Just a day earlier the Peace Run arrived in Wales.  This morning the runners cross into Roth Park to partake of a great Welsh breakfast

Roth Park-1190899The Peace Run has had a long and significant relationship to Wales.  The torch has covered many miles over the length and breadth of the country.

Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 10.22.36 AMThe Terra Nova Cafe is happy to greet and feed the runners this morning.  Nick was the groups generous host.

cafe terra nova-1190904

On the wall of his cafe is the original plaque that designated Cardiff as a Sri Chinmoy Peace Capital on October the 4th 1997.

Plaque Roth-1190903

Sri Chinmoy the founder of the Peace Run was in Cardiff when the plaque was first erected at a different location.

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Soon the runners head off to the next ceremony.

cafe terra nova4-1190910

4 years earlier a Peace statue was put up along Cardiff Bay.  Kaivalya the sculptor cleans and prepares the statue before the ceremony.

cardiff statue Kaivalya-1190915

The runners arrive.

cardiff runners approaching-1190932

They are greeted by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Councillor David Walker.

cardiff mayor-1190952

A short ceremony takes place.

cardiff statue and runners-1190942

Team Captain Devashishu tells the mayor about some of their recent adventures.

cardiff mayor and devashishu-1190945

A proclamation is read

cardiff mayor and runners-1190950

Pictures are taken.

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It has been a good morning.  Steven Thomas has provided introductions.

cardiff mayor and torch-1190933

Time for tea and Welsh cakes.

walking to Norwegian church -1190967O Dreamers of peace, come

Let us walk together.
O lovers of peace, come,
Let us run together.
O servers of peace, come.
Let us grow together.

Nothing Can Stay The Same

“Guru was in a white dhoti, and the whole background is kind of white. The blue carpet was giving a feel like the sea. Everything was white and blue.”

Adarini talks about one of my favorite photographs of Sri Chinmoy. It is a picture that she took just moments after he had given a concert at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington. The air charged with energy as storm clouds are rolling in across the Potomac. Within minutes the rain will thunder down upon us.

Adarini july 88 Washington concert
Adarini july 88 Washington concert

I remember the moment very well because I was fortunate to have been there. But Adarini’s interpretation of this moment adds even more to this special memory. One now that took place nearly 30 years past.

“Guru at that time was walking back and forth. He said the had to walk back and forth 7 times in order to come down from this high plane that he was on.”

“The picture is not perfect. It is a little grainy. But the feeling you get from that picture is unbelievable. For me there is this peace and this vastness.”


Question: What is the spiritual significance of a photograph

Sri Chinmoy: A photograph is at once meaningful and fruitful. The inner life can be seen on the outer face. The inner reality can be visible on the face of the outer reality. The inner height can be measured by the outer eyes. The inner depth can be felt by the human heart. Each photograph, if it is taken from a higher plane of consciousness, leave behind a new hope, a new aspiration and a new realization for Mother Earth to cherish and treasure.

Sri Chinmoy, Flame-Waves, part 10, Agni Press, 1978

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